The best alternative to VideoAsk for your website

What's the best alternative to VideoAsk for adding video pop-ups to your site? Find out why Vendeo is a great solution.
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Looking for alternatives to VideoAsk?

La meilleure alternative à videoask. Vendeo l'alternative à videoask.
Launched by Typeform in 2020, VideoAsk aimed to revolutionize business-audience interaction by using video instead of text, a philosophy we share. However, VideoAsk and Vendeo have distinct objectives.

VideoAsk focuses on two-way communication via video for surveys, reviews, and recruitment. Vendeo aims to improve engagement and conversion rates on websites.

If you want to boost your site, you are in the right place.

A solution designed and created to highlight your offer

Vendeo is designed and created to energize and humanize company websites. Our interactive video pop-ups capture and engage visitors from the moment they arrive on your site, allowing them to learn more about the added value of your offer.

Unlike VideoAsk, which focuses on off-site recruitment and surveys, Vendeo is entirely dedicated to creating a unique and engaging experience for your visitors.
Reason #1
Vendeo Video pop-up on page
Reason #2
Vendeo interactive video with multiple interaction buttons

Advanced customization for perfect integration

Our solution is designed to seamlessly integrate with your website, making each pop-up captivating and engaging. Customize colors and styles to perfectly match your branding.

With Vendeo, you have the flexibility to create unique and tailored experiences, maximizing visual impact and visitor engagement.

Track and optimize the performance of your videos

With Vendeo, you have access to a complete dashboard to monitor the performance of your video pop-ups. Our detailed analyses enable you to optimize every aspect of your videos to maximize their impact.

What's more, our team offers you the possibility of developing a customized strategy, free of charge, to maximize your results and create a unique experience on your website.
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Reason #3
Video Pop-up Track and optimize the performance of your videos
Reason #4
Utilisez la puissance de la vidéo sans impacter les performances de votre site internet avec Vendeo

A solution optimized for websites

Integrating videos into your website is good. Not impacting its performance is better! At Vendeo, every aspect of our solution is designed to maintain optimal performance for your site.

Our videos are hosted on a secure cloud, ensuring reliable storage and fast access, while preserving your site's speed.

Vendeo also simplifies video pop-up integration: with just a few clicks, you can add them to all your pages without any hassle.
Accompagnement de nos clients sur mesure vers leurs objectifs.

Personalized support

We support you in your strategy to optimize your results.
Abonnements sans engagement.

No commitment

We offer no-commitment plans with no hidden conditions.
Vendeo propose plans avec essai gratuit de 7 jours.

Free trial

All our plans include a 7-day free trial.

Over 100k visitors discover our clients' offers every month with Vendeo!

Start for free now

Comparison between VideoAsk and Vendeo

Discover our detailed comparison table of on-page video pop-ups.
vendeo, vendeo-logo, logo-png
On-site video pop-up
$ 46 € / month
Starting from the free plan
Type of limit
Number of minutes played
Number of videos played
Comparative pricing
2,000 minutes played
4,000 videos played
Annual plans - Discount
20% OFF
20% OFF
Free Trial
7-day free trial
Video pop-up
Video redirection
URL redirection
Brand removal
Simplified integration
Access to statistics in your dashboard
Custom strategy offered
Zero impact on performance

We've tried it all, and we know what works best.

Let us share with you the strategy that works for your business.

Fill out this form and one of our team members will tailor a turnkey strategy to meet your challenges!

Offer your visitors a unique experience on your website with Vendeo

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