Unmatched Offer

We create a tailor-made plan and pricing to fit your needs

Our team is by your side to ensure the best possible results
An individually tailored plan to suit your needs
Co-creating a strategy to achieve the best results
We assist you in creating videos for maximum engagement
A member of our team is available for any technical or strategic needs

Let's meet and discuss your project!

Vendeo is more than just a marketing tool. We offer comprehensive support that delivers results. Let's take the time to connect.
What’s the price?
How Vendeo Works?
How to add Vendeo to your strategy?
and more!
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You must use video on your sales pages, and here's why:

Without Vendeoon your pages

Attention span: less than 10 secondes
Visitors understanding your offer:  less than 30%
Engagement rate: low interaction
Conversion rate: not optimized
Differentiation: none

With Vendeoon your pages

Attention span: over 1 minute
Visitors understanding your offer:  +60%
Engagement rate: high interaction
Conversion rate: optimized and effective
Differenciation : unique experience